From consulting to circular asset life cycle management

What if there are other businesses with under-utilised assets that could be re-allocated to those that could use them? This is the journey of LUP… Will you join us as part of creating the next chapter to our journey…??

Community Support Frankston

We partnered with Community Support Frankston (CSF), an amazing organisation who provides support to homeless and disadvantaged people in Frankston, Australia. As a charity, they are always in need of resources and materials.

What if, with the spare capacity of AuzCountry’s trucks, we could find a way to deliver much needed resources to them?

Making the connection

We reached out to AuzCountry’s 1800+ clients in order to seek donations of non-perishable goods, toiletries and any materials that CSF could use. And what was offered to AUZ Country’s customers was this: If they were willing to donate their goods, AuzCountry would collect, store & transport those goods for free, using that spare capacity in the trucks, and deliver them to CSF as and when they needed it.

Within a year, AUZ Country collected over 20 tonnes worth of donated goods. The best part? In many cases, the clients who made donations were often contributing perfectly good products earmarked for waste, for reasons due to stained packaging or over-production. So not only were we able to help CSF with much needed resources, we were diverting materials that would otherwise have ended up in landfill, all transported in the spare capacity of AUZ Country’s trucks.

An idea is born

What if there are other businesses and organisations with assets that could be re-allocated? What if we could divert resources from landfill, towards someone who could benefit from it? What if we could close the supply chain loop for organisations around the world, and change how we think about sustainability?

What if you could be a part of the change? Welcome to LUP

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